Nyasaland Department of Game, Fish, and Tsetse Control Annual Reports, 1949-1963

This page provides open access to the annual reports of the Department of Game, Fish, and Tsetse Control between 1949 and 1963.
Originally a branch of the Provincial and District Administration of the Nyasaland Protectorate between 1947 and 1949, the Department was instituted in 1950 under the direction of H. J. H. Borley. The Department was responsible for (i) game and vermin control; (ii) fisheries development; and (iii) defensive and offensive action against the tsetse fly within the boundaries of the Nyasaland Protectorate.
While we have utilised these reports to analyse the programme of fisheries development schemes and statistical gathering that the Department led, these reports offer detailed and important insights into diverse attempts by the colonial government to control and alter both terrestrial and marine environments in the region. These will be a rich resource for anyone interested in the ideologies, approaches, and practical limitations of colonial environmental control.
For more on fisheries-related activities of the Department, please see our Surveying the Fisheries in Colonial Lake Malawi StoryMap.
Please click on the year below to download the relevant report.
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